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发布时间:2021年02月16日 来源:网络

元宵节的英语是:the Lantern Festival

元宵:Yuanxiao / the rice glue ball / sweet dumplings

汤圆:glutinous rice balls / glue pudding / sweet dumplings

舞龙/舞狮:lions/dragons dancing

对对联:play couplets game



灯会:exhibit of lanterns

耍龙灯:dragon lantern dancing

踩高跷:walking on stilts

划旱船:land boat dancing

扭秧歌:yangko/yangge dance

打太平鼓:beating drums while dancing

腰鼓舞:drum dance

焰火大会:fireworks party

戏曲:traditional opera

杂耍:variety show/vaudeville

元宵庙会:Lantern Festival's temple fair

彩灯庙会:colored lanterns' temple fair