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夏即走 凉风至,处暑英文怎么说?

发布时间:2018年08月13日 来源:网络

处暑英文:Stopping the Heat

It is the 14th solar term。 It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 150°。 It usually begins around 23 August。



At this point, the hot summer passes and heat stops。 It’s usually hot in the day and cold in the morning and in the evening。 In this season, the eagle starts to hunt birds, many plants and flowers start to wither, and crops like millet, paddy rice all get mature。


There is a saying that, "People tend to feel sleepy in spring, doze in summer and feel tired in autumn。" As the weather becomes cool during End of Heat, many people will feel languid and weary, which is called "autumn weariness"。 It is a sign that the human body needs rest, since people have consumed excessive energy in the summer。 Get enough sleep, do more exercises and keep plants indoor to help。


Duck has a sweet flavor and according to Chinese traditional medicine it has a "cool" nature。 A folk tradition is to eat duck during the End of Heat period。 There are many recipes for cooking duck such as roast duck, cooked duck with lemon, smoked duck with walnut dressing and sautéed duck with ginger shoots。 The tradition of eating duck during the End of Heat period is still popular in China。
