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白露英语怎么说:White Dew

发布时间:2018年08月27日 来源:网络

白露英语怎么说:White Dew

白露是第15个节气。它始于太阳到达天文经度165° ,结束于太阳到达天文经度180°。

White Dews is the 15th solar term。 It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 165° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 180°。


There is typically autumn weather during Bailu period, when wild geese begin to migrate to the south and birds start to stock food for the long winter time。 Hot summer is gone。 However, it could be still warm in south China。 It is different in the Yangtze River and Huaihe River valleys where it is usually humid during this period, as the saying goes: "It's unusual to see ten continuous sunny days。"


This is also the season that people may be exposed to various diseases like nasal disease, asthma, and bronchitis。 Too much seafood or cold, spicy, or greasy food may not be good for health, but food containing more vitamins is good for your diet since the weather is getting drier after White Dews。